Back from Brownsville

I just got back from Brownsville on Sunday. I was there coaching The Village School. Every single person on the team had a plus score or even score. They became the 3rd Grade State Champions. Congratulations to them. A lot of my private students and friends were there, and they all did very well

My next tournament will be the National Championship in Orlando Florida, from December 8-10. I will be coaching the Village School there again. I will probably get there a few days early or stay a few days late to see Orlando (although I've already been there several times as a kid).

In March I will be coaching in the State Championships again with Annunciation Orthodox Academy in Plano Texas.

I am considering playing in the following tournaments. I won't play in all of them, but maybe two.
2006 Motor City Open in Michigan (Detroit I think?)
2007 Chicago Open
2007 World Open (Philadelphia)
2007 US Open

Anyway that's all for now and sorry that I haven't been posting lately.

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