
Showing posts from September, 2019

Homework  NS

The "Chapter 6" homework assignment:

Analyze this position. How? Basically play yourself, and notate the moves. Play well for both sides. Set this position up on a chess board. Make sure you have a piece of paper and a sharpened pencil (or pen). Sit with the White or Black pieces in front of you (when in doubt, have White in front of you, and never sit from the "side" of a chess board). Your moves don't have to be perfect. Just play it out, write down the moves, and enjoy the fact that you are using one of the oldest methods of chess study. Analysis (because "I play chess against myself" sounds crazy!).

Mate in 1 puzzles and answer key.


Interesting Positions From Class

Who stands better and why? Who has better: King Safety, Material, Pawn Structure, and Piece Play? Who stands better and why? Who has better: King Safety, Material, Pawn Structure, and Piece Play?

Basic Endgames

King Squeeze Puzzle

Homework September 5-8

Puzzle PDF (answer key on page 2)!Au4xwApOTPtIhY8wbg6xvV3HEPaACQ?e=XtaMDE Solutions, and variations.

Fischer-Gadia and Boleslavsky-Lissitsin: GNBB

Good Knight Vs. Bad Bishop Here's a worksheet you can work on while looking at these two games:!Au4xwApOTPtIhY8L-f-z7Dh6U0_RuA?e=dzPG1H