Up until 2:50am thinking about/working on some issues with the tournament based on some things that happened today. Very tiring and discouraging. A good tournament director can make things run smoothly with the kids… but then the X factor is the parents. After doing about 300 tournaments with nearly the exact same format, I learn that kids enjoy the structure of rated play, and they learn how to be professional rather quickly. But then sometimes parents can randomize things. Usually randomization is caused by not-showing up, making requests that would be illegal (according to USCF rules) for a director to grant, and just other surprises. And then there are days like today (that I have not experienced yet) where things are severe. Not sure what to do exactly but I will work on it tomorrow! Early morning 8:00am. The chess world needs more good tournament directors. The scholastic chess world needs parents who are positive and support chess.